You guys already know about my weird relationship with denim. Never been a big fan and I am not sure that I ever will. It doesn't matter how much I've tried to like them, they don't like me back. I'd find a pair that I think I like and fit me right and after 3 wears to notice they don't look good at all. I think I this point my problem with denim is a bit psychological. I hate looking casual. As my blog name insinuates, I like to look chic and elegant at all times and denim doesn't scream elegance to me.I had that epiphany over the weekend,I realized work-wear and classy/businessy looks are more me. I have no problem wearing a blazer everywhere. I must admit, I even find it too much sometimes. That got me thinking about why I sometimes have such a hard time keeping up with blogging; I try to do what's current and hate the results and just don't blog at all. I like structure and great tailoring when it comes to clothes. I don't like t shirts, I look cheap in them and they make me uncomfortable.
I am very happy to have started this blog, I really go to experiment with trying a lot of different clothes to finding what I really like. Honestly I am still a work in progress. what I like today, I may not like tomorrow. That's what so fun about fashion!
Aside from everything I just said, I will always a soft spot for white jeans though. They're not regular denim to me. They can definitely pass as chic in my book. I still have yet to find the perfect pair but until then I'll keep trying or give up.
These pictures were taken in the spring and this trench coat was one of my favorite purchases. It was the perfect color for me.
Do any of you hate or love denim? Do tell
Photos: Monroe Steele
Thank you for reading,
Xoxo, Rose
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