By Rose




Hello gold silk cami: DadouStudios

Found the cutest little coffee shop in old town Toronto, Arvo. I had been looking for place to get my matcha fix, too bad we found Arvo on our last full day in Toronto. Their matcha latte was delicious. Like espresso aficionadosmatcha tea drinkers like myself take their drink extremely seriously. I can judge a good cup of matcha like I used to do with coffee. America next top matcha! How's that sound?

I also had the opportunities to meet two lovelies ladies and fellow bloggers Jackline and Abena. I love that social media has brought me so many great friendships. Starting this blog 6years ago was one of the best decision I've ever made in life. It changed my fate. Never in million years, did I think I'd go to photography school, now working as photographer shooting other bloggers,designing my own clothes and meeting so many lovely ladies along the way. I am eternally grateful to this blog.

Thank you for reading,
Xoxo, Rose




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